
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

338 Oida Gallery

338 Oida Gallery
Feel so fulfil by creative art and all kind of shapes of chair and armchair which were exposed. At gallery there is many types of chairs and armchairs and funny is, as I wrote on my blog about I am coming from another planet, that chair I liked the most is named:  E. T. and the description really suits me well, as that chair suits me well: “Each one of us wants a space of our own. E. T. chair is developed for user who wants to hide away from a chaotic world…etc.” by Eggarat Wongcharit. 

E. T. Chair by Eggarat Wongcharit

At the gallery works a very nice girl, her nickname is Phol and she really seems to enjoy her work, so does not need to work any more, because her work is a fun, a creative mission, lets say… Once you know how to enjoy your work, then balance it with your family, friends, free time {3F], start your balanced life. I think it is a Chinese proverbs, surely I heard it by Chinese Malay nice people..:]
Gallery is recently opened….and  I have a very good impression of that gallery, has a good spirit, the art work is very fresh, breathe by an inspiration in every corner and its motivation is support other in community of artists and designers.
On the map this gallery seems to be very easily found. Just go 100-200 metres on the right side from metro station: Lampini. So I went..  But :] somehow missed the orange sign with gallery name, so it happended I got to Goethe institute rather than to gallery, but there I found very and kind people who helped me to find it this gallery by moto :] Thank you, Goethe institute and to nice Thai lady and girl who took me by moto to my destination.. Btw: In Goethe institute there is a decent german restaurant and the smell out of there is a true powerful central Europe cuisine, cabbage and meat by german style.. maybe go there next time :]
More informations about galleries in Bangkok

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