In the arms of God
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
Monday, February 22, 2016
Monday, March 2, 2015
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Monday, December 2, 2013
Why some people are keeping money while others no? Some people are just born in rich family and no need to struggle too much to get money while others struggle every days and never have enough.
Our children are going to born in this world where the rules are like that... You are rich or you are poor with its possibilities what it does mean.
If you born as a poor child with limited resources you have 2 basic choices, you are going to accept that you are poor and you appreciate what you already have and you do not struggle to become someone else. Or we struggle all life long to become richer, to have access to wider resources and to guarantee a better (economically, eventually spiritually) future for our children and next generations. So we can work hard all life long and buy house so not only for us but for our children and eventually to have enough money to support our children (if we as parents did not have opportunity to study) to study at good private school and universities to guarantee "better life".
How can be that we still did not learn enough to support those who needs it as a solidarity with those who simply did not born in luxury.
We live in 21st century and they are people who work too much on one side and on the order side too many of others who are not working because there is not work remain for him/her or simply they do not fit into this system or are not able to follow working hours.
The are several way how to live outside of this system which for me does not sound good. I simply do not get why PEOPLE with so much work does not share this work with people who has will to work but has no work / unemployment? so except 8 hrs a day / 5 days a week (or more) there would be system that max. of work hours will be 6 hrs, but usually only 4-5 hours a day / even 3-4 days a week is ENOUGH because if you look on UNEMPLOYMENT rate in Europe, somewhere is even 20-25 % (such as Spain or Italy - some regions), so it means TO SHARE WORK OF THOSE who has it with those WHO DOES NOT HAVE IT !! but do not let ones who does not have it to be flustrated and without work just because we want to keep work for ourselves - "our work" - "mine" ???
- yes it is true, I am not thinking NATIONALLY....I am thinking WORDLY as a WORLD-CITIZEN !! I am not looking on certain country rights, certain country problems, because problem in one country is problem of all of us !! Destroying of jungle in Indonesia or in Brasil is not ONLY PROBLEM IN THESE COUNTRIES but as WELL for countries who lives around these countries, such dusts in Malaysia and Singapore in July 2013 because of open-fire burning of jungle in Indonesia which was out of control. Malaysia and Singapore get involved in political speech with indonesian government but there is necessary more offer, not only from side of involved countries, such as also from not directly involved countries. Because natural or historical treasure in one nation is not TRULY property of this nation but of every other nation, it is a WORLD PROPERTY. We were said when we were born: You are czech, you are polish, german, indonesian. This is your country, this is your nationaly, this is your belief.., this is your religion... but I do not believe in any of this. Yes, there are different nations, ethnics and they have different cultural and religion habits but what i want to say ABOVE ALL we are WORLD CITIZEN, we are HUMAN CREATURE of this planet EARTH !! Private property is an evil sickness, I do believe, they are for example beaches you can not reach because you can not go through someone private land.. So who were first there and settle down, make fences and put SIGN "THIS IS MINE", not one can enter RULES THAT PLACE. Actually how possible???? ON the beginning there was this planet first, not us. First THIS PLANET was made, oceans and seas, animals and last element was a MAN - WOMAN according to Bible. Yes, to man was given a rule to rule over everything but NOT RULE TO DESTROY IT !! Oh, man................
WHY? Please people wake up!! I do not speak about communist paradise, because it was violent collectivizing or private property. This is something what should come voluntary, with people knowingly what they are doing and why they are doing that... CONCENTRATED process of consciousness of certain amount of people.... !!
Lets get ready and link ourselves............ !! :)
Our children are going to born in this world where the rules are like that... You are rich or you are poor with its possibilities what it does mean.
If you born as a poor child with limited resources you have 2 basic choices, you are going to accept that you are poor and you appreciate what you already have and you do not struggle to become someone else. Or we struggle all life long to become richer, to have access to wider resources and to guarantee a better (economically, eventually spiritually) future for our children and next generations. So we can work hard all life long and buy house so not only for us but for our children and eventually to have enough money to support our children (if we as parents did not have opportunity to study) to study at good private school and universities to guarantee "better life".
How can be that we still did not learn enough to support those who needs it as a solidarity with those who simply did not born in luxury.
We live in 21st century and they are people who work too much on one side and on the order side too many of others who are not working because there is not work remain for him/her or simply they do not fit into this system or are not able to follow working hours.
The are several way how to live outside of this system which for me does not sound good. I simply do not get why PEOPLE with so much work does not share this work with people who has will to work but has no work / unemployment? so except 8 hrs a day / 5 days a week (or more) there would be system that max. of work hours will be 6 hrs, but usually only 4-5 hours a day / even 3-4 days a week is ENOUGH because if you look on UNEMPLOYMENT rate in Europe, somewhere is even 20-25 % (such as Spain or Italy - some regions), so it means TO SHARE WORK OF THOSE who has it with those WHO DOES NOT HAVE IT !! but do not let ones who does not have it to be flustrated and without work just because we want to keep work for ourselves - "our work" - "mine" ???
- yes it is true, I am not thinking NATIONALLY....I am thinking WORDLY as a WORLD-CITIZEN !! I am not looking on certain country rights, certain country problems, because problem in one country is problem of all of us !! Destroying of jungle in Indonesia or in Brasil is not ONLY PROBLEM IN THESE COUNTRIES but as WELL for countries who lives around these countries, such dusts in Malaysia and Singapore in July 2013 because of open-fire burning of jungle in Indonesia which was out of control. Malaysia and Singapore get involved in political speech with indonesian government but there is necessary more offer, not only from side of involved countries, such as also from not directly involved countries. Because natural or historical treasure in one nation is not TRULY property of this nation but of every other nation, it is a WORLD PROPERTY. We were said when we were born: You are czech, you are polish, german, indonesian. This is your country, this is your nationaly, this is your belief.., this is your religion... but I do not believe in any of this. Yes, there are different nations, ethnics and they have different cultural and religion habits but what i want to say ABOVE ALL we are WORLD CITIZEN, we are HUMAN CREATURE of this planet EARTH !! Private property is an evil sickness, I do believe, they are for example beaches you can not reach because you can not go through someone private land.. So who were first there and settle down, make fences and put SIGN "THIS IS MINE", not one can enter RULES THAT PLACE. Actually how possible???? ON the beginning there was this planet first, not us. First THIS PLANET was made, oceans and seas, animals and last element was a MAN - WOMAN according to Bible. Yes, to man was given a rule to rule over everything but NOT RULE TO DESTROY IT !! Oh, man................
WHY? Please people wake up!! I do not speak about communist paradise, because it was violent collectivizing or private property. This is something what should come voluntary, with people knowingly what they are doing and why they are doing that... CONCENTRATED process of consciousness of certain amount of people.... !!
Lets get ready and link ourselves............ !! :)
better world,
current world,
fight for a better world,
new age,
new thinking,
new world,
present world,
this world,
world paradox,
world problems
Granada, Spain
Monday, October 21, 2013
On the border of good and evil
Do not know why actually this statement: "on the border of good and evil".. but came somehow intuitively to my mind.. // In my life and I believe to many people around me there are constant decision of choosing good and evil in our lives. And we somehow feel what is good for us, but at the same time we can be strongly attract by an evil things. Evil in this meaning is something what somehow can be dangerous for our life, so we do not know any more how to manage our life. It can be all kind of distraction which leads us away from us... or so much passion for someone even we knew from beginning that that kind of relationship does not lead anywhere, but at same time we can not stay away from that awesome passion, then we are stuck in it and we are no more free, so that things was evil for us that time.......... so be careful and conscious whatever you do so you do not need to regret time of any decision which did not lead nowhere.. :) so keep living learning by mistakes but do not do too much exams. And if you get lost always try not to forget way back..
Like in the play of Spider Solitaire, at the end can remain two sets of red or two sets of black or one set of red and one set of black and it is up to you, only up to you (symbolically), which one will go away first and which one last :)
Like in the play of Spider Solitaire, at the end can remain two sets of red or two sets of black or one set of red and one set of black and it is up to you, only up to you (symbolically), which one will go away first and which one last :)
Saturday, February 23, 2013
The Indigo Children
The Indigo Children
* They come into the world with a feeling of royalty (and often act like it).
* They have a feeling of "deserving to be here," and are surprised when others don't share that.
* Self-worth is not a big issue; they often tell the parents "who they are."
* They have difficulty with absolute authority (authority without explanation or choice).
* They simply will not do certain things; for example, waiting in line is difficult for them.
* They get frustrated with systems that are ritually oriented and don't require creative thought.
* They often see better ways of doing things, both at home and in school, which makes them seem like "system busters" (nonconforming to any system).
* They seem antisocial unless they are with their own kind. If there are no others of like consciousness around them, they often turn inward, feeling like no other human understands them. School is often extremely difficult for them socially.
* They will not respond to "guilt" discipline ("Wait till your father gets home and finds out what you did").
* They are not shy in letting it be known what they need.
* They come into the world with a feeling of royalty (and often act like it).
* They have a feeling of "deserving to be here," and are surprised when others don't share that.
* Self-worth is not a big issue; they often tell the parents "who they are."
* They have difficulty with absolute authority (authority without explanation or choice).
* They simply will not do certain things; for example, waiting in line is difficult for them.
* They get frustrated with systems that are ritually oriented and don't require creative thought.
* They often see better ways of doing things, both at home and in school, which makes them seem like "system busters" (nonconforming to any system).
* They seem antisocial unless they are with their own kind. If there are no others of like consciousness around them, they often turn inward, feeling like no other human understands them. School is often extremely difficult for them socially.
* They will not respond to "guilt" discipline ("Wait till your father gets home and finds out what you did").
* They are not shy in letting it be known what they need.
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Travel DROPS
- Getting wet
in jungle when we experienced tropical rain :P
- Hiding against
rangers in tropical forest J
- Listening Bob
dylan and Bob marley played on CD in our guesthouse J
- Not answering: “
where r u from?“ to one man in neighbourhood /foreigner/ who did not know
introduced himself.. :P /silent answer: I am looking for where I am from :D/
- Speaking and eating nasi goreng with my new friend from Germany called Mu,
who I met at bus on the way to Bukit Lawang J
If you do not
want somebody put out some question, never ask for this question as well !! J
- Meeting your :old friends: after 2,5 years and realised that they are not changes :D {Malang city >]
Monday, February 11, 2013
Day in Medan :)
Medan / Monday 11.2.2012 - what to do in Medan :)
Medan Fair: great shopping with electronics {oldies and super cheap MP3 - around 150.000 IDR with 4 GB memory card :]
- books in english, bookshop Times, other bookshop Times in Palembang, Bandung, Manado, Bali etc. :)
found a book: "Out of my mind"
Kok Tong Coffee since 1925 in Medan {around 5 oclock] - Cappucino dingin /20.000 Rp./no need to wait whether your coofee gets too cold, because it is already cold with ice inside...:)
- blog called "daily journal of a female worker in Jakarta" - reference for Kok Tong Coffee :)
http:// m/2012/04/ kok-tong-coffee-in-medan.html
Tip top restaurant in Medan {7 oclock]: one of the oldest restaurant in Indonesia (Kesawan Area)
read this:
Medan Fair: great shopping with electronics {oldies and super cheap MP3 - around 150.000 IDR with 4 GB memory card :]
- books in english, bookshop Times, other bookshop Times in Palembang, Bandung, Manado, Bali etc. :)
found a book: "Out of my mind"
Kok Tong Coffee since 1925 in Medan {around 5 oclock] - Cappucino dingin /20.000 Rp./no need to wait whether your coofee gets too cold, because it is already cold with ice inside...:)
- blog called "daily journal of a female worker in Jakarta" - reference for Kok Tong Coffee :)
Tip top restaurant in Medan {7 oclock]: one of the oldest restaurant in Indonesia (Kesawan Area)
read this:
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Concept of Westerner
Who is
westerner in the eyes of people from South\East Asia. I guess this really
depends on level of education, as the higher level of society who travel all
over the world already see the differences between people with white skin… But majority of locals, especially in
Indonesia, they just put us to the same box, they have never heard or thought
we are different. Actually Europeans divide themselves in so many categories,
depends on location of the country, as west, east, south and north…
Czech Republic and spirit of communism
I born at
year “89”, so I am one of the revolution child, because in 1989 there was a
Velvet revolution and after that revolution people try to understand democracy…
Before revolution people could not travel abroad, could not say their opinion
as they wanted, especially could not disagree with the current political system
unless they wish to get to prison or lost opportunity for a good job or
opportunity to study at university if he\she disagree publicly with system or
somebody from your family, everybody had to vote every year the same party,
because actually there was no other choice to vote.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
338 Oida Gallery
338 Oida Gallery
Feel so
fulfil by creative art and all kind of shapes of chair and armchair which were
exposed. At gallery there is many types of chairs and armchairs and funny is,
as I wrote on my blog about I am coming from another planet, that chair I liked
the most is named: E. T. and the
description really suits me well, as that chair suits me well: “Each one of us
wants a space of our own. E. T. chair is developed for user who wants to hide
away from a chaotic world…etc.” by Eggarat Wongcharit.
![]() | |
E. T. Chair by Eggarat Wongcharit |
At the
gallery works a very nice girl, her nickname is Phol and she really seems to
enjoy her work, so does not need to work any more, because her work is a fun, a
creative mission, lets say… Once you know how to enjoy your work, then balance
it with your family, friends, free time {3F], start your balanced life. I think
it is a Chinese proverbs, surely I heard it by Chinese Malay nice people..:]
Gallery is
recently opened….and I have a very good
impression of that gallery, has a good spirit, the art work is very fresh,
breathe by an inspiration in every corner and its motivation is support other
in community of artists and designers.
On the map
this gallery seems to be very easily found. Just go 100-200 metres on the right
side from metro station: Lampini. So I went..
But :] somehow missed the orange sign with gallery name, so it happended
I got to Goethe institute rather than to gallery, but there I found very and
kind people who helped me to find it this gallery by moto :] Thank you, Goethe
institute and to nice Thai lady and girl who took me by moto to my
destination.. Btw: In Goethe institute there is a decent german restaurant and
the smell out of there is a true powerful central Europe cuisine, cabbage and
meat by german style.. maybe go there next time :]
informations about galleries in Bangkok
When Europe has lost its colors?
When Europe
has lost its colors?
Europe in
my mind, especially Czech Republic has its dominant color GREY. Yes. Not
everytimes, there is also a sun, there is a blue sky, sometimes in summer you
can see many colors but I do not consider it as enough. So now I am about to
return to Europe, to the heart of Europe, to Czech afraid of this color that is
very useful among other color, but if so much grey, then it can be so close to
black color, and no more sun in peoples mind. Who is going to be interest
there, Where I am from, from Where I am coming, Why I am there? As happening
daily here in South East Asia. Yes. I am afraid to miss this Asia spirit, the
palette of colors, the silence of Buddhist temple, Chinese pavilions… smiles
without a particular reasons just for you…:]
My mission
So my
mission among the others is to bring sun from SEA to everybody I meet on my way
across the country in Europe…:] bright and colorful mind, cheerful in spirit
and outside to appear in the clothes of many colors or in the color you feel
well for that particular day.. Do not forgot, there is so many colors in the
world and once we concentrate just on one or two colors then we miss other
colors and we miss the wholeness of the Universe then ':]
Christmas in Bangkok
day 4.
in Bangkok. Get up in the morning in my friend house, my friend already left
for her university in the early morning. So I stayed alone, eating my
breakfast, my first thought were little desperate. I am alone here in Bangkok,
while my friends and family in Czech just celebrating Christmas there,
everybody just enjoying Christmas athmosphere with their families and so
on… But then calm my thoughts and start
to thinking how to spend my last 1,5 days in Bangkok before my travels to
country where I was born..
Mentally I
am celebrating Christmas rituals but in different way, f. e. one of the
Christmas rituals which I remember from my family is to take apple and cut it
to make two halves and see if there is star inside or not, star brings you
happiness in next year, if I remember well.. so here at Bangkok, I bought an apple {the big
one: probably from Korea or Japan], but could not use knife as my friend had no
idea where her knife disappear, so I just eat half of apple and other half I
share with my Thai friend Sy to make up some Christmas rituals in new
way.. This is ritual for my Christmas
Eve, on 24 of December, just after I returned from Chiang Mai by train at night
and we could not find any church open in the neighbourhood of Hualampong area…
The next
morning, 25 of December
I went out
of my friend place and found very good looking mangostine, so bought 1 kilo, to
celebrate Christmas, as one of the habit in my family is to buy many, many
mandarins from Spain, as they are so tasty and cheap before Christmas coming…
so I substitute mandarins by sweet mangostine, then took my morning Americano
with milk and in the same building visit one of the galleries of Bangkok {DOB
Hualamphong Gallery], had there very pleasant visit, it is at the second floor,
turn right next to pharmacy in front of Hualampong station and gallery take the
same door with that stylish café with yellow and red shadow light:]. There I
got a map of others art galleries and centres of art in Bangkok, so my day in
Bangkok, on 25 of December, got its direction…
Mangostine |
But first
of seeing all these art galleries, such us 338 Oida Gallery, I relax my mind
and body at Lumpini park, sitting in Chinese pavilion with view on the Lake..
Soon eating
my healthy lunch, some salad and sushi, as good some at local supermarket with
night discount {if you go at night to supermarket, many products, especially
salads and sushi, you can get with discount]. Because I really need more and
more healthy food and vegetable and sometimes it is not easy to find suitable
food in South East Asia, as they do not give you many vegetables in restaurant
or use so much of oil for frying…
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