
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Communism and liberty

Mission - written in the train on monday 19.3. 2012 (from Písek to Plzeň:)

I believe (you know this is the beginning of everything :D) that everybody has god a MISSION in this world. EVERYBODY. Everybody has a task, has something to complete . For better imagination it is like a brain with all the neurons inside, if some neurons missing then some part in body can not work properly. If some people can not complete their mission, it of course has impact on whole society. If some people are consider as criminals, as people are put away of society, something is society is missing. How it helps to society when put some people on the perfiery? In Soviet time in Czech Republic, people who were not "interesting" for communist where send away. People who were psyhical or mentally disabled where hidden to some institution and these institutions were hidden as well in countryside of the country. These people could not work for state , they were different, they were others. Communist state was interest just in heathy people who could live, work and obey THE SYSTEM. Who was against system and told it to somebody or the police recognized was send to hidden places as well, or was send to keep him silence. YES, keep people silence was one of many bad sides of communism. Voluntary slavery, people who wanted live without problems with SYSTEM needed to accept how is it and lost part their liberty in keeping shut their mouths. This is what we have from history, COMMUNISTS taughts us that it is convenient to keep silence for whom which want to achieve some profit to live better (understand: to have some material or economic advantages)!... This is what we deal with all the time, it is in our "nation". Generation from generation pass it over and this is what post-sovietic countries need to deal with in future. Deal with fear to speak about things, do not remain in silence however somebody could pay us to keep in silence our knowledge. Do not be afraid, do not support SYSTEM, which is not good...etc.

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