
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Capitalism and Love of Spirit

Blog 19.3. 2012

Magic date of "2012". Monday. Very nice spring day. Hitchhiking, nice talking with older man in his car, then taking a train, just enjoying the landscape. Near Ražice (near Tábor) discover nice lake with so many birds all playing theirs games on it, and sun shines so nice, sun seems to be so kind today. It would be so nice if everything gonna be so kind as today;s sun is ;) Be free, be free, singing this song, but sometimes afraid that words of this song can be forgoten so quickly. How quickly we can sell our souls and bodies and be slaves of luxury, of comfort, of life with all sureness which this world can offer. We can pay to have nice or better body, to prevent or to improve many physical detection, to pay to have somebody;s life in your hands. MONEY. I have money and you do what i want, then i give you some money (usually little, little part of money). Is not this slavery of capitalism? Capitalism was for many ex-soviet countries kind of hope, hope that things work, things work when you put money into them. If you put money into machine, machine do what you want. And in capitalistic world has became "cool" to have capitalistic relationships, I do something for you because I need you, I give you money and you do what i wish you do, not what you CAN REALLY DO, not what you wish to do. This is not nice... Of course, you can say, it is like this, we can not change it.. but .. listen, if we let it so, it makes disastre. If relationships are not important any more, if will destroy our souls, our (svědomí). And if our svědomí does not work properly who else helps us to save our world, to act in a moral way, in a good way? This seems as very abstract. It is hard to specify, but briefly i would say, it is connected with God, with such Spirit, such Energy which show us how to act in every moment. If we are ready to follow orders of God. If everybody would be ready to act properly as our God wish (not as we wish !!), it would be such a paradise. But we can try it here on this Earth as well, one is so happy when can feel God;s presence, His love... it is nothing for it you need to study so long Bible, to study theology... i speak about SURENESS that He IS, He loves you.... however we can not say He or She, because He is all above that :) This is according me certain top of this life. Live our life in spiritual way... TO BE SURE, WHERE IS OUR PLACE AT THE CERTAIN MOMENT, where is our place among other people. Do something and be sure why we do it, and do not envy to others, as they can have more of something or lead more interesting life than we, but maybe they need it, we do not know what is their mission in this world, we can not judge anyone, ANYONE, we have never known, what is someone;s mission on this planet... just He knows ;) ;) ;) Look for joy, stay in it! ;)

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