
Monday, January 30, 2012

Life with a BELIEF ;-)

Just returned from mountain trip and these mountains really consist some kind of "magic" as said my new friend by heart which I met today in the middle of nothing (forest), just sitting on the branch and washing her toes in cold fresh mountain river, just cool place to meditate... I would describe (if I could) this mountain as mysterious and mystic in Christian way of speech..., because it is not really first time I had some internal call and let;s say voice which told me to go there and then things happended... I met really incredible people on these tracks, they just were on right place in right time and I was there also in right time and on right place ;-)

So my first trip up there was in September, I was new in Barcelona, it was just my second month in Spain etc. I get up really early because from village I was living before it was really far away, needed to change some 2-3 trains, then take bus and then take another bus, but finally I reached the village of Montseny, bought there some lovely local food and discover pass by pass the nature around and love it so much !!! Love it as it was my house in the heaven ... You know I discover there very nice house, abandoned and there was fountain and there was some picture with Jesus and his disciple and the water in this fountain was SO STRONG.. and this place really have very special energy and I just knew I would like to stay overnight... in the arms of God... but you know racionally you do not stay somewhere overnight if you have no sleeping bag, so firstly I was asking for hostal, but the lady was really rude and told me that I should told her before and it is very complicated and she has no time etc. ... and I got angry - just a bit .. and was really hesitating - return to civilisation or not return and stay .. and I just follow my intution and belief that God;s gonna take care about me, how He did many times before and hope is He going to do all my life ... I return to this "Heaven house" and just was praying what to do next.. and saw one big house in the middle of this valley and had feeling that maybe there will be somebody who can help me so and indeed there was !! :) I met one old guy and his dogs, explain my situation that I would need to sleep outside but .. without no sleeping bag it would be difficult .. and He said: Ok, no problem, I have one ... and THAT;S IT !! I have a lovely night without no cold, because the presence of God can heal you and heat you as well ;-) So just want to inspire you and tell you .. there is always somebody who can help you, you can need to believe it and find him/her. And do not forgot GOD HAS ALWAYS SOLUTION FOR YOUR LIFE BECAUSE HE CREATED YOU AND KNOWS YOU AND YOUR NEEDS .. just be patience and prepare because as you know, his ways are not predictable for us,,,;-) buenas tardes

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