
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Floods in Padang

Just began rain before few hours and raining, raining whole afternoon, anggkots stuck in Sari Anggrek, there is no way how to get back to Gerbang, UNAND and my kos... Also i fell down to channel with my new laptop, but fortunately i am not hurted and my notebook is working, so i can blog now on it, while we wait at some restaurant when the rain stops. When the rain stops????? maybe at time stop rains me and my friend Putri will be friend with everybody in this restaurant... hahaha.... just not so ready to smile, as feel so cold, as all my clothes got wet from falling into channel... :D :D just imagine... :D :D

Thursday, October 4, 2012

No more water, got flu and cute goat*

Today in the morning i felt quite bad, because i got some flu and headache and just not feeling all right.. And also no water is running already second day so we are currently without any water for shower, washing-up and toilet, we only have *thanks God* water for drinking...

So i stayed at my room whole morning and noon, resting and waiting to feel better. At afternoon i persuaded myself to go at university to sort out my castellano lessons at Language centre at university... and what a nice surprise was awaiting me in front our house :] First i did not know whether it is a sheep or a small dog, but finally realized it is a small, cute and friendly goat.... Definitely my new friend here. Then this goat make friendship with our cat {picture 3] and then this goat with her/his elder companion continued to search better grass in neighbourhood...

*or another plastic bags?* As there is unfortunately rubbish everywhere all around and all animals come and you can see how they are searching food, usually eat this food with plastic bag itself... :{ Even "paradise" like Indonesia has its not so presentable sides.

Picture 2
Picture 3

Our courtyard. The goats just leaving for some other plants. The true is all animals stopped by our courtyard and eat our rubbish, especially the are in love with plastic bags :{ :{

Picture 4 - The neighbourhood

Monday, October 1, 2012

My new room * Padang * Sumatera

Long time no blogging.... no taping words, ideas... now i write about present then continue with past travel in Malaysia and maybe finish with ideas about future.. and about Indonesia and Sumatra, of course :D

Freshly installed mosquito net to my room :-]

Before it was also good {but now one level better, haha :P]. You can see my room {without mosquito net] how looked like before on these photos :]

Left side: room with ambal {indonesian carpet used in every household in living rooms]
Middle photo: kitchen.. now much more food and things to cook..
Right side: Rest room, Shower room, universal cleaning room...

 .... and here is a picture stories how i love a rice cooker... haha... such a useful invention. With rice cooker, everyday there is "nasi putih" - soft white rice and sometimes we put some chilli indide haha, or tofu or we cook egg omelette in it as you can see on right side.. so that`s why i love my rice cooker, because without rice cooker i would eat just "boring" potatoes, tofu and tomatoes without no rice and without no chilli... no true Padang people would eat it! :D